Digital Training
Here are some How-To Videos so you can see the benefit of a Digital Training platform


WORD: Concentrate and type more

Sometimes when you’re writing an important Word document, it’s too easy to be distracted by all the menus and buttons. Did you know you can remove the clutter from Word and put it into Focus mode… with just one click? Here’s how.

WORD: Do whatever you want with one click

If you spend a lot of time searching through menus and tools in Word, then your life is about to become a lot easier. Here’s how to create your own Quick Access Toolbar, so you can get to the tools and settings you use most often with just one click.

WORD: Get rid of the annoying welcome screen

The Word welcome screen is great… the first time. Did you know you can skip it every time you open Word, so you can get straight to work? Here’s how to do that.

More coming soon....

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